ENTRY 13726 19990811 00001372600000001 SUBENT 13726001 19990811 00001372600100001 BIB 13 27 1372600100002 INSTITUTE (1USAMIT,1USAIRT) 1372600100003 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,9,527,197402) 1372600100004 (J,ANS,14,806,197110) 1372600100005 AUTHOR (V.C.ROGERS,L.E.BEGHIAN,F.M.CLIKEMAN) 1372600100006 TITLE Inelastic neutron scattering in 19F 1372600100007 FACILITY (VDG,1USAMIT) Van-de-Graaff 1372600100008 INC-SPECT Incident neutron energy resolution varied smoothly 1372600100009 from 60 keV at 240 keV to 150 keV at 1.79 MeV. 1372600100010 Neutron yield monitored by long counter. 1372600100011 DETECTOR (GELI) Ge(Li) detector 1372600100012 ANALYSIS Gamma ray production cross-sections were determined by 1372600100013 comparing the photopeak intensity of the gamma-rays 1372600100014 intensity of 847-keV peak from 56Fe. 1372600100015 MONITOR Gamma detector efficiency monitored using NBS 1372600100016 calibrated gamma sources. 1372600100017 Efficiency of long counter determined with calibrated 1372600100018 Pu-Be neutron source. 1372600100019 CORRECTION Corrected for: 1372600100020 . neutron attenuation, 1372600100021 . multiple scattering, 1372600100022 . gamma-ray attenuation and angular distributions. 1372600100023 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Absolute error given. 1372600100024 STATUS (APRVD) Approved by V.C. Rogers, December 1974. 1372600100025 Data taken from Trans.Am.Nucl.Soc., 14, 806 (1971). 1372600100026 (COREL,10146001) 1372600100027 (COREL,10268001) 1372600100028 HISTORY (19990811A) Moved from 10268. 1372600100029 ENDBIB 27 0 1372600100030 COMMON 1 3 1372600100031 E-NRM 1372600100032 KEV 1372600100033 847. 1372600100034 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1372600100035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 1372600199999 SUBENT 13726002 19990811 00001372600200001 BIB 3 3 1372600200002 REACTION (9-F-19(N,INL)9-F-19,PAR,SIG) 1372600200003 INC-SOURCE (P-LI7) 1372600200004 MONITOR Absolute measurement. 1372600200005 ENDBIB 3 0 1372600200006 COMMON 1 3 1372600200007 DATA-ERR 1372600200008 PER-CENT 1372600200009 15. 1372600200010 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1372600200011 DATA 3 16 1372600200012 E-LVL EN DATA 1372600200013 KEV MEV MB 1372600200014 110. 0.24 2005. 1372600200015 110. 0.30 2946. 1372600200016 110. 0.35 1140. 1372600200017 110. 0.46 726. 1372600200018 110. 0.56 361. 1372600200019 110. 0.61 375. 1372600200020 110. 0.66 264. 1372600200021 110. 0.77 404. 1372600200022 197. 0.24 376. 1372600200023 197. 0.30 760. 1372600200024 197. 0.35 1386. 1372600200025 197. 0.46 2080. 1372600200026 197. 0.56 1090. 1372600200027 197. 0.61 694. 1372600200028 197. 0.66 669. 1372600200029 197. 0.77 1055. 1372600200030 ENDDATA 18 0 1372600200031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 1372600299999 SUBENT 13726003 19990811 00001372600300001 BIB 4 5 1372600300002 REACTION (9-F-19(N,INL)9-F-19,PAR,SIG) 1372600300003 INC-SOURCE (P-T) 1372600300004 MONITOR (26-FE-56(N,INL)26-FE-56,PAR,SIG) Relative to 56Fe 1372600300005 inelastic to 847-keV level. 1372600300006 MONIT-REF (10146002,V.ROGERS+,J,NSE,45,297,1971) 1372600300007 ENDBIB 5 0 1372600300008 COMMON 1 3 1372600300009 DATA-ERR 1372600300010 PER-CENT 1372600300011 15. 1372600300012 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1372600300013 DATA 3 14 1372600300014 E-LVL EN DATA 1372600300015 KEV MEV MB 1372600300016 110. 0.98 435. 1372600300017 110. 1.16 403. 1372600300018 110. 1.34 336. 1372600300019 110. 1.42 322. 1372600300020 110. 1.51 413. 1372600300021 110. 1.61 515. 1372600300022 110. 1.69 368. 1372600300023 197. 0.98 848. 1372600300024 197. 1.16 786. 1372600300025 197. 1.34 756. 1372600300026 197. 1.42 814. 1372600300027 197. 1.51 905. 1372600300028 197. 1.61 887. 1372600300029 197. 1.69 745. 1372600300030 ENDDATA 16 0 1372600300031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 1372600399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 1372699999999