ENTRY 13140 20120210 13781314000000001 SUBENT 13140001 20120210 13781314000100001 BIB 9 17 1314000100002 INSTITUTE (1USAORL,1USADNS) + U.C. Santa Barbara. 1314000100003 REFERENCE (J,AAA,216,109,1989) 1314000100004 AUTHOR (R.L.Macklin,R.R.Winters,D.M.Schmidt) 1314000100005 TITLE Resonance neutron capture by argon-40. 1314000100006 FACILITY (LINAC,1USAORL) Orela 40-m capture facility 1314000100007 SAMPLE Natural argon: 99.6% 40Ar. The argon was contained at 1314000100008 42-atmospheres pressure in a stainless steel cylinder 1314000100009 with 0.12 mm thick walls. 1314000100010 DETECTOR (SCIN) Perfluorobenzene liquid scintillators 1314000100011 calibrated by saturated resonance method using 4.9eV 1314000100012 resonance of Au 1314000100013 STATUS (APRVD) R.L.Macklin, 89/1/23. 1314000100014 HISTORY (19881114C) 1314000100015 (19891106A) reference update. 1314000100016 (20120207A) BP:Updated description and uncertainties, 1314000100017 added 13140003, 13140004 subentries with missing data.1314000100018 Converted to lower case, updated errors. 1314000100019 ENDBIB 17 0 1314000100020 NOCOMMON 0 0 1314000100021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 1314000199999 SUBENT 13140002 20120305 13781314000200001 BIB 5 13 1314000200002 REACTION 1(18-AR-40(N,0),,EN) 1314000200003 2(18-AR-40(N,G),,WID/STR) 1314000200004 3(18-AR-40(N,G),,WID) 1314000200005 ANALYSIS (SLA) Breit-Wigner single-level analysis 1314000200006 ASSUMED (ASSUM1,18-AR-40(N,EL),,WID,,G) 1314000200007 Spin, momentum, and total widths taken from 1314000200008 Winters, et al., to be published. 1314000200009 (ASSUM2,18-AR-40(N,G),,WID) From S-wave systematics. 1314000200010 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Data uncertainties are statistical standard 1314000200011 deviations. 1314000200012 (ERR-SYS) Overall systematic uncertainty is estimated 1314000200013 as 5% 1314000200014 STATUS (TABLE) Table 1 of Astron.Astrophys.216(1989)109 1314000200015 ENDBIB 13 0 1314000200016 COMMON 1 3 1314000200017 ERR-SYS 1314000200018 PER-CENT 1314000200019 5. 1314000200020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1314000200021 DATA 10 13 1314000200022 DATA 1DATA 2ERR-S 2DATA 3ERR-S 3MOMENTUM L 1314000200023 SPIN J ASSUM1 ASSUM2 ASSUM2-ERR 1314000200024 EV EV EV EV EV NO-DIM 1314000200025 NO-DIM EV EV EV 1314000200026 11181. 0.055 0.004 0.078 0.008 1.1314000200027 0.5 0.182 1314000200028 17974. 0.106 0.004 0.138 0.008 1.1314000200029 0.5 0.465 1314000200030 59308. 0.34 0.04 0.35 0.05 1.1314000200031 0.5 6.576 1314000200032 60916. 0.32 0.02 0.58 0.07 1.1314000200033 0.5 0.716 1314000200034 76110. 1314000200035 0.5 6161. 1.2 0.3 1314000200036 90054. 0.61 0.06 0.36 0.04 1.1314000200037 1.5 4.07 1314000200038 92081. 0.18 0.03 0.10 0.04 1.1314000200039 1.5 1.14 1314000200040 93270. 0.74 0.07 0.58 0.08 1.1314000200041 1.5 2.06 1314000200042 96537. 0.35 0.11 0.19 0.06 2.1314000200043 1.5 5.49 1314000200044 101980. 0.19 0.05 0.10 0.03 2.1314000200045 1.5 23.55 1314000200046 105700. 0.55 0.09 0.48 0.14 2.1314000200047 1.5 1.26 1314000200048 116050. 0.17 0.10 0.17 0.10 1.1314000200049 0.5 446.5 1314000200050 149880. 0.80 0.10 0.43 0.06 1.1314000200051 1.5 12.26 1314000200052 ENDDATA 30 0 1314000200053 ENDSUBENT 52 0 1314000299999 SUBENT 13140003 20120210 13781314000300001 BIB 7 23 1314000300002 REACTION (18-AR-40(N,G)18-AR-41,,SIG,,MXW) 1314000300003 ANALYSIS Maxwellian averaged cross sections were calculated 1314000300004 with code MAXWL. In addition to the parameters of the 1314000300005 present experiment, also those reported from 150 keV 1314000300006 to 420 keV by Winters et al., Bull.Am.Phys.Soc.26,803 1314000300007 (1981) were used. 1314000300008 ASSUMED (ASSUM,18-AR-40(N,G)18-AR-41,,SIG) Using Mughabghab 1314000300009 thermal value of 660+-10 mb was used to evaluate 1/v 1314000300010 capture component. 1314000300011 REL-REF (R,,S.F.Mughabghab+,B,NEUT.CS 1A,1,(A),18-3,1981) 1314000300012 (R,,R.R.Winters+,J,BAP,26,803,1981) 1314000300013 STATUS (DEP,13140002) 1314000300014 (TABLE) Table 2, page 111. 1314000300015 HISTORY (20120210C) BP 1314000300016 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Uncertainty component estimates are 1314000300017 given at kT=30 keV (Table 3, page 111). 1314000300018 (ERR-S) 5.1% peak and background fitting. 1314000300019 (ERR-1) 1.5% sample quantity in beam. 1314000300020 (ERR-2) 2% apparatus calibration. 1314000300021 (ERR-3,,4.) gamma-ray spectrum response. 1314000300022 (ERR-4) 0.5% s-wave Gg estimate. 1314000300023 (ERR-5) 0.5% resonances above 150 keV. 1314000300024 (ERR-6) 0.3% lab thermal cross section. 1314000300025 ENDBIB 23 0 1314000300026 COMMON 8 6 1314000300027 ERR-S ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-4 ERR-5 ERR-6 1314000300028 ASSUM ASSUM-ERR 1314000300029 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 1314000300030 MB MB 1314000300031 5.1 1.5 2.0 0.5 0.5 0.3 1314000300032 660. 10. 1314000300033 ENDCOMMON 6 0 1314000300034 DATA 3 17 1314000300035 KT DATA DATA-ERR 1314000300036 KEV MB MB 1314000300037 5.0 3.20 0.18 1314000300038 6.0 3.23 0.18 1314000300039 7.0 3.19 0.18 1314000300040 8.0 3.11 0.17 1314000300041 9.0 3.01 0.17 1314000300042 10.0 2.91 0.16 1314000300043 12.0 2.74 0.15 1314000300044 15.0 2.66 0.15 1314000300045 17.0 2.64 0.16 1314000300046 20.0 2.66 0.17 1314000300047 25.0 2.74 0.19 1314000300048 30.0 2.79 0.20 1314000300049 35.0 2.81 0.20 1314000300050 40.0 2.80 0.20 1314000300051 45.0 2.78 0.20 1314000300052 50.0 2.74 0.20 1314000300053 60.0 2.65 0.19 1314000300054 ENDDATA 19 0 1314000300055 ENDSUBENT 54 0 1314000399999 SUBENT 13140004 20120210 13781314000400001 BIB 5 12 1314000400002 REACTION (18-AR-40(N,G)18-AR-41,,SIG) 1314000400003 STATUS (CURVE)Fig.1, page 110. 1314000400004 HISTORY (20120210C) BP.-New subentry- 1314000400005 ANALYSIS The resolution function was adjusted to the more 1314000400006 prominent peaks. Only the large 17.97 keV peak is 1314000400007 attributed to argon. All the small peaks were fitted 1314000400008 to the data taken with the empty stainless steel 1314000400009 container. Shown in Fig.1 negative cross section 1314000400010 values could be explained by the background 1314000400011 subtraction due to neutron interaction with the 1314000400012 container (compiler's comment). 1314000400013 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error bars. 1314000400014 ENDBIB 12 0 1314000400015 NOCOMMON 0 0 1314000400016 DATA 3 145 1314000400017 EN DATA ERR-S 1314000400018 EV B B 1314000400019 1.751E+04 1.702E-02 2.442E-02 1314000400020 1.752E+04 8.880E-03 2.664E-02 1314000400021 1.752E+04 1.702E-02 2.516E-02 1314000400022 1.753E+04 7.400E-03 2.590E-02 1314000400023 1.754E+04 3.330E-02 3.034E-02 1314000400024 1.754E+04 2.072E-02 3.552E-02 1314000400025 1.755E+04 1.406E-02 2.960E-02 1314000400026 1.756E+04 -5.920E-03 2.294E-02 1314000400027 1.756E+04 -4.440E-03 2.220E-02 1314000400028 1.757E+04 -3.848E-02 1.258E-02 1314000400029 1.758E+04 -1.036E-02 1.998E-02 1314000400030 1.758E+04 -7.400E-04 2.146E-02 1314000400031 1.759E+04 -2.960E-03 1.850E-02 1314000400032 1.760E+04 2.960E-03 2.072E-02 1314000400033 1.760E+04 8.140E-03 2.590E-02 1314000400034 1.761E+04 2.220E-03 2.294E-02 1314000400035 1.762E+04 -1.332E-02 1.628E-02 1314000400036 1.762E+04 1.628E-02 3.034E-02 1314000400037 1.763E+04 3.700E-02 2.960E-02 1314000400038 1.764E+04 3.774E-02 3.108E-02 1314000400039 1.764E+04 1.110E-02 2.960E-02 1314000400040 1.765E+04 5.180E-03 2.220E-02 1314000400041 1.766E+04 2.146E-02 2.590E-02 1314000400042 1.766E+04 3.700E-03 2.590E-02 1314000400043 1.767E+04 -4.440E-03 2.072E-02 1314000400044 1.768E+04 1.480E-03 1.924E-02 1314000400045 1.768E+04 -7.400E-03 2.072E-02 1314000400046 1.769E+04 2.220E-02 2.294E-02 1314000400047 1.770E+04 4.884E-02 3.404E-02 1314000400048 1.770E+04 3.330E-02 3.330E-02 1314000400049 1.771E+04 2.146E-02 2.738E-02 1314000400050 1.772E+04 4.736E-02 3.330E-02 1314000400051 1.772E+04 4.958E-02 3.330E-02 1314000400052 1.773E+04 5.772E-02 3.182E-02 1314000400053 1.774E+04 9.102E-02 3.700E-02 1314000400054 1.774E+04 1.687E-01 4.736E-02 1314000400055 1.775E+04 1.776E-01 5.254E-02 1314000400056 1.776E+04 1.843E-01 5.032E-02 1314000400057 1.776E+04 1.517E-01 4.662E-02 1314000400058 1.777E+04 8.362E-02 3.848E-02 1314000400059 1.778E+04 7.252E-02 3.700E-02 1314000400060 1.778E+04 2.072E-02 2.960E-02 1314000400061 1.779E+04 2.442E-02 2.886E-02 1314000400062 1.780E+04 6.882E-02 3.330E-02 1314000400063 1.780E+04 4.366E-02 3.626E-02 1314000400064 1.781E+04 1.184E-02 2.960E-02 1314000400065 1.782E+04 2.960E-03 2.442E-02 1314000400066 1.782E+04 5.994E-02 3.182E-02 1314000400067 1.783E+04 2.664E-02 2.516E-02 1314000400068 1.784E+04 3.848E-02 3.330E-02 1314000400069 1.784E+04 4.144E-02 3.256E-02 1314000400070 1.785E+04 1.776E-02 2.664E-02 1314000400071 1.786E+04 -3.256E-02 1.480E-02 1314000400072 1.786E+04 4.292E-02 3.478E-02 1314000400073 1.787E+04 2.220E-03 1.924E-02 1314000400074 1.788E+04 -1.924E-02 1.702E-02 1314000400075 1.788E+04 4.810E-02 3.404E-02 1314000400076 1.789E+04 9.620E-03 2.146E-02 1314000400077 1.790E+04 1.110E-02 2.220E-02 1314000400078 1.790E+04 5.180E-03 2.442E-02 1314000400079 1.791E+04 2.442E-02 2.516E-02 1314000400080 1.792E+04 7.400E-03 2.146E-02 1314000400081 1.792E+04 8.510E-02 3.922E-02 1314000400082 1.793E+04 3.182E-02 2.442E-02 1314000400083 1.794E+04 9.028E-02 3.552E-02 1314000400084 1.794E+04 9.028E-02 2.590E-02 1314000400085 1.795E+04 1.902E-01 4.218E-02 1314000400086 1.796E+04 2.457E-01 4.144E-02 1314000400087 1.796E+04 4.203E-01 4.884E-02 1314000400088 1.797E+04 5.195E-01 5.106E-02 1314000400089 1.797E+04 6.364E-01 6.364E-02 1314000400090 1.798E+04 5.750E-01 5.846E-02 1314000400091 1.799E+04 4.018E-01 4.292E-02 1314000400092 1.800E+04 2.568E-01 4.292E-02 1314000400093 1.800E+04 1.732E-01 4.366E-02 1314000400094 1.801E+04 6.068E-02 3.404E-02 1314000400095 1.802E+04 1.154E-01 4.070E-02 1314000400096 1.802E+04 5.920E-03 2.072E-02 1314000400097 1.803E+04 4.440E-02 3.330E-02 1314000400098 1.804E+04 3.404E-02 2.442E-02 1314000400099 1.804E+04 9.694E-02 4.366E-02 1314000400100 1.805E+04 3.626E-02 2.664E-02 1314000400101 1.806E+04 7.770E-02 4.070E-02 1314000400102 1.806E+04 8.880E-02 3.922E-02 1314000400103 1.807E+04 1.066E-01 4.218E-02 1314000400104 1.808E+04 1.177E-01 4.514E-02 1314000400105 1.808E+04 8.436E-02 4.070E-02 1314000400106 1.809E+04 5.920E-02 3.108E-02 1314000400107 1.810E+04 7.252E-02 3.626E-02 1314000400108 1.810E+04 8.732E-02 4.070E-02 1314000400109 1.811E+04 9.398E-02 4.440E-02 1314000400110 1.812E+04 1.776E-02 2.664E-02 1314000400111 1.812E+04 9.916E-02 3.774E-02 1314000400112 1.813E+04 3.330E-02 2.960E-02 1314000400113 1.814E+04 5.476E-02 2.812E-02 1314000400114 1.814E+04 4.440E-02 3.330E-02 1314000400115 1.815E+04 3.626E-02 2.886E-02 1314000400116 1.816E+04 4.292E-02 3.108E-02 1314000400117 1.816E+04 2.072E-02 2.442E-02 1314000400118 1.817E+04 -5.180E-03 2.072E-02 1314000400119 1.818E+04 4.588E-02 3.182E-02 1314000400120 1.818E+04 1.036E-02 2.664E-02 1314000400121 1.819E+04 9.324E-02 3.922E-02 1314000400122 1.820E+04 3.404E-02 3.626E-02 1314000400123 1.820E+04 1.110E-02 2.738E-02 1314000400124 1.821E+04 3.330E-02 3.034E-02 1314000400125 1.822E+04 6.808E-02 3.478E-02 1314000400126 1.823E+04 1.406E-01 4.440E-02 1314000400127 1.824E+04 1.458E-01 5.032E-02 1314000400128 1.824E+04 1.162E-01 4.588E-02 1314000400129 1.825E+04 3.996E-02 3.700E-02 1314000400130 1.826E+04 1.776E-02 2.590E-02 1314000400131 1.826E+04 1.554E-02 2.664E-02 1314000400132 1.827E+04 5.106E-02 3.404E-02 1314000400133 1.828E+04 3.330E-02 3.700E-02 1314000400134 1.828E+04 1.480E-03 2.294E-02 1314000400135 1.829E+04 8.880E-03 2.294E-02 1314000400136 1.830E+04 7.400E-04 2.442E-02 1314000400137 1.830E+04 -2.146E-02 1.480E-02 1314000400138 1.831E+04 -1.628E-02 1.332E-02 1314000400139 1.832E+04 5.920E-03 2.220E-02 1314000400140 1.832E+04 6.660E-03 2.886E-02 1314000400141 1.833E+04 8.140E-03 2.146E-02 1314000400142 1.834E+04 4.144E-02 3.108E-02 1314000400143 1.834E+04 3.034E-02 2.664E-02 1314000400144 1.835E+04 3.848E-02 3.848E-02 1314000400145 1.836E+04 8.140E-03 2.220E-02 1314000400146 1.836E+04 2.220E-03 2.590E-02 1314000400147 1.837E+04 -2.368E-02 1.480E-02 1314000400148 1.838E+04 -5.180E-03 1.998E-02 1314000400149 1.839E+04 5.920E-03 2.664E-02 1314000400150 1.840E+04 6.734E-02 4.736E-02 1314000400151 1.840E+04 -1.406E-02 2.590E-02 1314000400152 1.841E+04 -2.072E-02 1.998E-02 1314000400153 1.842E+04 2.220E-02 2.146E-02 1314000400154 1.842E+04 -3.700E-03 2.442E-02 1314000400155 1.843E+04 -5.920E-03 2.072E-02 1314000400156 1.844E+04 2.146E-02 2.294E-02 1314000400157 1.844E+04 8.140E-03 2.442E-02 1314000400158 1.845E+04 1.702E-02 2.442E-02 1314000400159 1.846E+04 5.180E-03 2.072E-02 1314000400160 1.846E+04 -7.400E-04 1.924E-02 1314000400161 1.847E+04 5.920E-03 2.590E-02 1314000400162 1.848E+04 -2.220E-03 2.516E-02 1314000400163 1.848E+04 -2.294E-02 1.480E-02 1314000400164 ENDDATA 147 0 1314000400165 ENDSUBENT 164 0 1314000499999 ENDENTRY 4 0 1314099999999