ENTRY 11792 20180818 14431179200000001 SUBENT 11792001 20180818 14431179200100001 BIB 13 25 1179200100002 INSTITUTE (1USAANL) 1179200100003 REFERENCE (J,PR,174,1421,1968) 1179200100004 AUTHOR (W.V.Prestwich,R.E.Cote,H.Shwe) 1179200100005 TITLE Study of the Nb93(n(res),gamma)Nb94 reaction. 1179200100006 FACILITY (REAC,1USAANL) 1179200100007 (CHOPF,1USAANL) Fast chopper rotor speed of 15 000 rpm.1179200100008 INC-SOURCE (REAC) Argonne research reactor CP-5. 1179200100009 SAMPLE Niobium metal, 0.0714 atoms/b thick. 1179200100010 Contaminant levels in the sample determined to be 0.0631179200100011 and 2.E-4 at.% for Ta and W, respectively, by using 1179200100012 a separate transmission experiment and the latest 1179200100013 resonance parameters. 1179200100014 METHOD (TOF) 6.49-m flight path with neutron time-of-flight 1179200100015 resolution width of 300 nsec/m. 1179200100016 DETECTOR (GELI) 1179200100017 CORRECTION Areas of the double-escape peaks corrected for the 1179200100018 energy dependence of the counter efficiency. 1179200100019 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on sources of uncertainties 1179200100020 STATUS (TABLE) Data taken from tables in reference. 1179200100021 HISTORY (19770512C) 1179200100022 (19830927A) Converted to REACTION formalism 1179200100023 (19970624U) BIB update, converted to lower case. 1179200100024 (20020202A) Converted to new date formats 1179200100025 (20180730A) OS. REACTION in sub.4 corrected. 1179200100026 Minor BIB changes. 1179200100027 ENDBIB 25 0 1179200100028 NOCOMMON 0 0 1179200100029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 1179200199999 SUBENT 11792002 20020222 00001179200200001 BIB 4 10 1179200200002 REACTION 1(41-NB-93(N,0),,EN) 1179200200003 2(41-NB-93(N,0),,J) 1179200200004 3(41-NB-93(N,0),,PTY) 1179200200005 ANALYSIS p-wave resonances distinguished from s-wave by the 1179200200006 flatness of their pulse-height spectrum. 1179200200007 FLAG (1.) J = 4 or 5-. 1179200200008 (2.) J = 3 OR 4-. 1179200200009 (3.) Tentative assignment. 1179200200010 HISTORY (19970624A) Data update. 1179200200011 (20020202A) Parity added. 1179200200012 ENDBIB 10 0 1179200200013 NOCOMMON 0 0 1179200200014 DATA 6 5 1179200200015 DATA 1DATA-ERR 1MOMENTUM L DATA 2FLAG DATA 31179200200016 EV EV NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM 1179200200017 35.8 1. 5. -1. 1179200200018 42.3 1. 1. 1179200200019 72. 2. 1. 3. 1179200200020 94.3 1. 2. 1179200200021 119.2 0. 4. 1179200200022 ENDDATA 7 0 1179200200023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 1179200299999 SUBENT 11792003 20020222 00001179200300001 BIB 3 4 1179200300002 REACTION (41-NB-93(N,G),PAR,WID,,REL) 1179200300003 FLAG (1.) Not observed, calculated using level energies 1179200300004 from Sheline, et al., Nucl. Phys. 61, 342 (1965). 1179200300005 HISTORY (19970624C) 1179200300006 ENDBIB 4 0 1179200300007 COMMON 1 3 1179200300008 EN-RES-ERR 1179200300009 KEV 1179200300010 6. 1179200300011 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1179200300012 DATA 6 32 1179200300013 EN-RES E DATA DATA-ERR DATA-MAX FLAG 1179200300014 EV KEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS NO-DIM 1179200300015 35.8 7226. 1000. 1179200300016 35.8 7184. 10. 14. 1179200300017 35.8 7168. 140. 30. 1179200300018 35.8 7147. 18. 1. 1179200300019 35.8 7112. 5. 19. 1179200300020 35.8 6911. 780. 60. 1179200300021 35.8 6891. 18. 1. 1179200300022 35.8 6589. 18. 1. 1179200300023 42.3 7226. 7. 24. 1179200300024 42.3 7184. 20. 24. 1179200300025 42.3 7168. 150. 42. 1179200300026 42.3 7147. 27. 1. 1179200300027 42.3 7112. 700. 90. 1179200300028 42.3 6911. 43. 34. 1179200300029 42.3 6891. 27. 1. 1179200300030 42.3 6589. 27. 1. 1179200300031 94.3 7226. 22. 35. 1179200300032 94.3 7184. 470. 63. 1179200300033 94.3 7168. 300. 50. 1179200300034 94.3 7147. 35. 1. 1179200300035 94.3 7112. -12. 35. 1179200300036 94.3 6911. -24. 35. 1179200300037 94.3 6891. 35. 1. 1179200300038 94.3 6589. 35. 1. 1179200300039 119. 7226. 4. 12. 1179200300040 119. 7184. 85. 20. 1179200300041 119. 7168. 75. 20. 1179200300042 119. 7147. 20. 1. 1179200300043 119. 7112. -15. 20. 1179200300044 119. 6911. 20. 1179200300045 119. 6891. 3. 30. 1. 1179200300046 119. 6589. 30. 1. 1179200300047 ENDDATA 34 0 1179200300048 ENDSUBENT 47 0 1179200399999 SUBENT 11792004 20180818 14431179200400001 BIB 2 3 1179200400002 REACTION (41-NB-93(N,G)41-NB-94,,SPC,,REL/RES) 1179200400003 HISTORY (20020222A) Data added. 1179200400004 (20180730A) REACTION corrected 1179200400005 ENDBIB 3 0 1179200400006 COMMON 2 3 1179200400007 EN-RES E-ERR 1179200400008 EV KEV 1179200400009 35.8 6. 1179200400010 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1179200400011 DATA 3 8 1179200400012 E DATA DATA-ERR 1179200400013 KEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS 1179200400014 7226. 1000. 1179200400015 7168. 140. 30. 1179200400016 6911. 780. 60. 1179200400017 6266. 360. 40. 1179200400018 6057. 190. 40. 1179200400019 5964. 200. 80. 1179200400020 5948. 130. 60. 1179200400021 5731. 570. 140. 1179200400022 ENDDATA 10 0 1179200400023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 1179200499999 ENDENTRY 4 0 1179299999999