ENTRY 10481 20040114 00001048100000001 SUBENT 10481001 20040114 00001048100100001 BIB 12 26 1048100100002 INSTITUTE (1USAAUB,1USAALS) 1048100100003 REFERENCE (J,NP/A,266,53,197608) 1048100100004 (J,BAP,22,562(AN4),197503) 1048100100005 AUTHOR (S.K.Ghorai,C.G.Hudson,W.L.Alford) 1048100100006 TITLE The excitation function for the 89Y(n,2n)88Y reaction 1048100100007 FACILITY (DYNAM,1USAAUB) Auburn University 3 mV Dynamitron 1048100100008 INC-SOURCE (D-T) Deuterons on tritium 1048100100009 METHOD (ACTIV) Activation analysis using mixed-power method 1048100100010 DETECTOR (GELI) Ge(Li) gamma detector 1048100100011 MONITOR (13-AL-27(N,A)11-NA-24,,SIG) Relative to Al(n,alpha) 1048100100012 of Paulsen, J.Nuc.En. 19, 907 (1965). 1048100100013 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Data errors given represent estimates of 1048100100014 standard errors and include uncertainties: 1048100100015 . due to detector efficiencies, 1048100100016 . for aluminum monitor cross sections, 1048100100017 . in counting statistics, decay scheme parameters, 1048100100018 absorption correction, timing, and sample weight. 1048100100019 STATUS (APRVD) Approved by author 1048100100020 Tabulated data received from W.L.Alford, 1975/5/1 1048100100021 HISTORY (19750401C) 1048100100022 (19760528A) Data added 1048100100023 (19760809U) BIB corrections 1048100100024 (19790314A) BIB corrections. Converted to REACTION 1048100100025 formalism. 1048100100026 (19840423A) BIB corrections, data heading corrected. 1048100100027 (20040114A) Converted to new date formats, lower case. 1048100100028 ENDBIB 26 0 1048100100029 NOCOMMON 0 0 1048100100030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 1048100199999 SUBENT 10481002 20040114 00001048100200001 BIB 1 1 1048100200002 REACTION (39-Y-89(N,2N)39-Y-88,,SIG) 1048100200003 ENDBIB 1 0 1048100200004 NOCOMMON 0 0 1048100200005 DATA 5 8 1048100200006 EN EN-RSL DATA DATA-ERR MONIT 1048100200007 MEV MEV MB MB MB 1048100200008 12.6 0.10 331. 32. 135.0 1048100200009 13.3 0.1 603. 58. 130.0 1048100200010 14.0 0.4 820. 79. 127.0 1048100200011 14.9 0.3 1040. 100. 116.7 1048100200012 15.1 0.3 1072. 103. 114.0 1048100200013 16.0 0.4 1172. 112. 95.0 1048100200014 16.7 0.5 1221. 117. 85.0 1048100200015 17.8 0.7 1218. 117. 61.0 1048100200016 ENDDATA 10 0 1048100200017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 1048100299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 1048199999999