ENTRY 10307 20050627 13361030700000001 SUBENT 10307001 20050627 13361030700100001 BIB 11 20 1030700100002 INSTITUTE (1USAWSU) 1030700100003 REFERENCE (J,CJP,51,121,1973) 1030700100004 (J,NIM,114,591,1974) Experimental technique 1030700100005 AUTHOR (M.C.Gupta,G.E.Tripard) 1030700100006 TITLE Fast Neutron Scattering at 180 degrees from Pb and Sn 1030700100007 INC-SOURCE (D-D) D(d,n) source 1030700100008 METHOD (ASSOP) Associated particle technique 1030700100009 DETECTOR (SCIN) NE213 liquid scintillator coupled to 1030700100010 photomultiplier. 1030700100011 CORRECTION Corrected for multiple scattering, attenuation, and 1030700100012 random coincidences. 1030700100013 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Data error given includes contributions 1030700100014 from finite size of detector, detector efficiency, 1030700100015 and counting statistics. 1030700100016 STATUS (APRVD) Approved by author. 1030700100017 HISTORY (19740528C) VM 1030700100018 (19830118A) Converted to REACTION formalism 1030700100019 (20020823A) Updated to new date formats, lower case. 1030700100020 Reactions corrected. 1030700100021 (20050627C) DR Reference corrected 1030700100022 ENDBIB 20 0 1030700100023 COMMON 1 3 1030700100024 EN 1030700100025 MEV 1030700100026 3.65 1030700100027 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1030700100028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 1030700199999 SUBENT 10307002 20020823 00001030700200001 BIB 1 1 1030700200002 REACTION (50-SN-0(N,EL)50-SN-0,,DA) 1030700200003 ENDBIB 1 0 1030700200004 NOCOMMON 0 0 1030700200005 DATA 3 2 1030700200006 ANG DATA DATA-ERR 1030700200007 ADEG B/SR B/SR 1030700200008 10. 1.4 0.11 1030700200009 180. 0.268 0.07 1030700200010 ENDDATA 4 0 1030700200011 ENDSUBENT 10 0 1030700299999 SUBENT 10307003 20020823 00001030700300001 BIB 1 1 1030700300002 REACTION (82-PB-0(N,EL)82-PB-0,,DA) 1030700300003 ENDBIB 1 0 1030700300004 NOCOMMON 0 0 1030700300005 DATA 3 2 1030700300006 ANG DATA DATA-ERR 1030700300007 ADEG B/SR B/SR 1030700300008 10. 8.9 0.55 1030700300009 180. 0.958 0.088 1030700300010 ENDDATA 4 0 1030700300011 ENDSUBENT 10 0 1030700399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 1030799999999