ENTRY 10273 20011204 00001027300000001 SUBENT 10273001 20011204 00001027300100001 BIB 15 28 1027300100002 INSTITUTE (1USAHRV,1USAOBR) 1027300100003 REFERENCE (J,NP/A,188,72,197206) 1027300100004 AUTHOR (J.N.Palmieri) 1027300100005 TITLE Neutron-deuteron scattering at 152 MeV. 1027300100006 FACILITY (CYCLO,1USAHRV) 1027300100007 INC-SOURCE (P-D) D(p,n) reaction using 160-MeV protons on a 1027300100008 liquid deuterium target. 1027300100009 SAMPLE Liquid deuterium in vertical cylinder 5-cm diameter, 1027300100010 7.7-cm length. Walls of .005 cm Kapton polyimide film.1027300100011 METHOD Determined by detecting deuterons knocked out of 1027300100012 liquid deuterium target 1027300100013 DETECTOR (TELES) Counter telescope 1027300100014 MONITOR (1-H-1(N,EL)1-H-1,,SIG) 1027300100015 MONIT-REF (,PALMIERI+,J,PR/C,3,144,1971) 1027300100016 CORRECTION Corrections were made for 1027300100017 . observed background, 1027300100018 . reactions in the detector, 1027300100019 . loss of deuterons from peak, 1027300100020 . scattering of protons or deuterons in target or 1027300100021 telescope. 1027300100022 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Data error given includes all contributions 1027300100023 to the experimental uncertainities except an overall 1027300100024 normalization error (estimated to be +-6.5%). 1027300100025 STATUS (APRVD) Approved by author. 1027300100026 Data taken from Table I in reference. 1027300100027 HISTORY (19720629C) 1027300100028 (19830110A) Converted to REACTION formalism 1027300100029 (20011204A) Converted to new date formats, lower case. 1027300100030 ENDBIB 28 0 1027300100031 NOCOMMON 0 0 1027300100032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 1027300199999 SUBENT 10273002 20011204 00001027300200001 BIB 1 1 1027300200002 REACTION (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,DA) 1027300200003 ENDBIB 1 0 1027300200004 COMMON 2 3 1027300200005 EN EN-ERR 1027300200006 MEV MEV 1027300200007 152. 1. 1027300200008 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1027300200009 DATA 3 10 1027300200010 ANG-CM DATA-CM DATA-ERR 1027300200011 ADEG MB/SR MB/SR 1027300200012 99.0 .241 .018 1027300200013 109.0 .184 .021 1027300200014 119.1 .183 .015 1027300200015 129.2 .214 .017 1027300200016 139.3 .291 .017 1027300200017 149.5 .340 .024 1027300200018 154.6 .403 .027 1027300200019 159.6 .558 .036 1027300200020 164.7 .657 .036 1027300200021 169.8 .691 .043 1027300200022 ENDDATA 12 0 1027300200023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 1027300299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 1027399999999