ENTRY 10154 20001211 00001015400000001 SUBENT 10154001 20001211 00001015400100001 BIB 12 25 1015400100002 INSTITUTE (1CANCRC) 1015400100003 REFERENCE (J,CJP,48,1933,197008) 1015400100004 AUTHOR (R.S.MOWATT) 1015400100005 TITLE Effective neutron capture cross section and half-life 1015400100006 of 155Eu 1015400100007 FACILITY (REAC) NRU Reactor at Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories 1015400100008 METHOD (ACTIV) Amount of 155Eu depleted from a sample during 1015400100009 irradiation determined by counting the 105.2-keV gamma1015400100010 ray before and after irradiation. The effective cross 1015400100011 section was determined using the Westcott convention. 1015400100012 DETECTOR (GELI) Ge(Li) planar diode (depletion depth = 2 mm). 1015400100013 MONITOR ((MONIT1)27-CO-59(N,G)27-CO-60,,SIG,,MXW) 1015400100014 (27-CO-59(N,G)27-CO-60,,RI) = 58 b. 1015400100015 Used to deduce neutron flux. 1015400100016 CORRECTION Includes factor of=0.9935 to account for contributions 1015400100017 from 152Sm chain. 1015400100018 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Data error given is standard deviation 1015400100019 based on least squares fits to counting data and to 1015400100020 the decay curves. 1015400100021 STATUS (APRVD) Approved by author. 1015400100022 Data taken from reference. 1015400100023 HISTORY (19720526C) 1015400100024 (19760205A) ISO-QUANT corrected 1015400100025 (19820527A) Converted to REACTION formalism 1015400100026 (20001211A) Converted to new date formats, lower case. 1015400100027 ENDBIB 25 0 1015400100028 NOCOMMON 0 0 1015400100029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 1015400199999 SUBENT 10154002 20001211 00001015400200001 BIB 1 1 1015400200002 REACTION (63-EU-155(N,G)63-EU-156,,SIG,,MXW) 1015400200003 ENDBIB 1 0 1015400200004 NOCOMMON 0 0 1015400200005 DATA 4 1 1015400200006 EN-DUMMY DATA DATA-ERR MONIT1 1015400200007 EV B B B 1015400200008 0.0253 4040. 125. 37.2 1015400200009 ENDDATA 3 0 1015400200010 ENDSUBENT 9 0 1015400299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 1015499999999