ENTRY 10018 19990617 00001001800000001 SUBENT 10018001 19990617 00001001800100001 BIB 16 27 1001800100002 INSTITUTE (1USAORL) 1001800100003 REFERENCE (J,NSE,37,228,1969) 1001800100004 AUTHOR (J.HALPERIN,C.E.BEMIS,R.E.DRUSCHEL,J.R.STOKELY) 1001800100005 TITLE The thermal-neutron capture cross section and resonance1001800100006 integral of 252Cf 1001800100007 FACILITY (REAC) ORNL Research Reactor 1001800100008 INC-SPECT Bare and cadmium filtered irradiations. 1001800100009 SAMPLE 2 samples: 5.60% 251Cf, 73.74% 252Cf, and 4.40% 251Cf, 1001800100010 73.74% 252Cf. 1001800100011 METHOD (ACTIV) Cf sample irradiated for 60 hr.in constant 1001800100012 thermal neutron flux of 1.5e+14 n/cm square sec using 1001800100013 a cadmium filter technique. 1001800100014 Ratio of alpha activity in 253Es to 252Cf measured. 1001800100015 DETECTOR (SOLST) Silicon detector with alpha-ray spectrometer 1001800100016 ANALYSIS Measured ratios fitted to equations of growth 1001800100017 and decay by least squares fit. 1001800100018 MONITOR (27-CO-59(N,G)27-CO-60,,SIG) 1001800100019 (27-CO-59(N,G)27-CO-60,,RI) 1001800100020 DECAY-DATA (98-CF-253,17.8D,B-) 1001800100021 RAD-DET (98-CF-252,A) 1001800100022 (99-ES-253,A) 1001800100023 ERR-ANALYS Quoted errors are standard deviations. 1001800100024 STATUS Data taken from article. 1001800100025 HISTORY (19721030C) 1001800100026 (19800813A) Converted to REACTION formalism 1001800100027 (19830525U) Reference corrected 1001800100028 (19860811A) BIB update. 1001800100029 ENDBIB 27 0 1001800100030 COMMON 2 3 1001800100031 MONIT1 MONIT2 1001800100032 B B 1001800100033 37.0 75. 1001800100034 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1001800100035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 1001800199999 SUBENT 10018002 19990617 00001001800200001 BIB 2 3 1001800200002 REACTION (98-CF-252(N,G)98-CF-253,,SIG) 1001800200003 ANALYSIS 2200 m/sec values derived by subtracting epicadmium 1001800200004 contribution and assuming 1/v below 0.5 eV. 1001800200005 ENDBIB 3 0 1001800200006 NOCOMMON 0 0 1001800200007 DATA 3 1 1001800200008 EN DATA DATA-ERR 1001800200009 EV B B 1001800200010 0.025 20.4 2.0 1001800200011 ENDDATA 3 0 1001800200012 ENDSUBENT 11 0 1001800299999 SUBENT 10018003 19990617 00001001800300001 BIB 1 1 1001800300002 REACTION (98-CF-252(N,G)98-CF-253,,RI) 1001800300003 ENDBIB 1 0 1001800300004 NOCOMMON 0 0 1001800300005 DATA 3 1 1001800300006 EN-MIN DATA DATA-ERR 1001800300007 EV B B 1001800300008 0.54 43.5 3.0 1001800300009 ENDDATA 3 0 1001800300010 ENDSUBENT 9 0 1001800399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 1001899999999